6 letters I have in mind about LIFE, G.O.O.G.L.E

Go On Over Girls Lool Existence

Archive for February, 2007


Wot’s happening? lolz… Just a bit confused right now… I really don’t know what I’m gonna do about this certain stuff…I’m just a bit fed up on how things are happening… Yeah! I am inspired… Who doesn’t want this kind of feeling right? I may not have the best time right now, but who says everybody wants to have the “BEST”?  Everything has been turning out the way I don’t want it to happen. There has been a lot of situations that I don’t like here.I’m a very shallow person, when it comes to LOVE! MABABAW… SABAW as my friends would tell me… Well, it’s just me. I’m simply mababaw… Simple “i love you’s” “sorry’s” “thank you’s” I don’t care! I don’t give a damn! Who cares by the way?

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Most Romantic Story ever…

… I’ve posted a quote regarding regrets and here’s a story about that quote… 

Logic and Romance

Her husband was an engineer. Since they met, he’s always been an unflappable rock in her life. She knew he always had his feet firmly planted on the ground, and it seemed that no matter what else went crazy, he would be the one constant.

Three years of romance, and two years of marriage later, she got tired. He was the most unromantic man she knew. He never bought her flowers, he never surprised her, and nothing changed in their marriage.

After some time, she finally found the courage to tell him that she wanted to leave him. He just sat there, speechless. Her heart froze… What kind of man did she marry that didn’t even know what to say to make her stay?

After a while, her husband spoke, “What can I do to change your mind?”. “I will stay if you can give me a good answer to this question,” she replied coldly. “If I asked for a flower that grew on a cliff, and you knew that getting it for me means certain death, would you get it for me?”. Her husband’s face grew troubled. “Can I give you an answer tomorrow morning?” her husband asked. Hearing that kind of answer, her heart died. She knew that she could never be happy with a man who couldn’t even give her an answer straight away.

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don’t matter

I just feel lifke posting it! If I have a boyfriend now, I would proudly sing this to him! Call me crazy but most probably, I’ll be doing this song “MATS STYLE” (beat that) If I can add up a little conga and some reggae tunes why not?! 😉

Damn! This feeling again?! Tell me if if I’m beginning to sound lame just because of this Akon song! Honestly, I have nothing against Akon. Or Akon being a convict and after became megastar! (Did I just say all those?) *lol*

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